Art begins
with its making


Heures Joyeuses

Meet with artists in our customized residencies Alessia Canteros, Chris Dufour and Caroline Ariane Bergeron, Thursday, March 27th at 6 pm

Présentation des recherches sur les approches écosensibles de l’imprimé

Evening of sharing and reflection around the work of the Working group on eco-friendly approaches to print and analog photography processes. 

110% PRINT – L’imprimerie Holiday Market

L’imprimerie opens its doors for a 110% PRINT holiday market! Come for the sale of printed works, hot chocolate, and karaoke!

L’imprimerie at Salon du Livre de Montréal

Collaborative Zine Workshop with Artists from L’imprimerie at the Salon du Livre de Montreal !


Becoming a member of L’imprimerie, centre d’artistes is delving into new avenues of artistic exploration; it is making a meaningful gesture towards participating in the development of contemporary art; it is committing to and being involved in a community based on sharing and exchange.



Abir El Moukaddam
Alain Pratte
Alexandra Daris
Amed Aroche
Annie Auger
Ariel St-Louis
arkadi lavoie lachapelle
Audrey Pinard-Frappier
Barbara Dufour
Caroline Savaria
Carolline Auclair
Catherine Gagné
Charlie Morin-Fournier
Charlie Joubert
Charline Cocset
Claude Bertrand
Cristel Silva Silva
Danièle Neveu
Dario Negueruela Del Castillo
Denise Dextraze
Denyse Roy
Diana Hor
Dominic Llywelyn Hardy
Dominique Rivard
Dominique Allard
Élie Corbin
Elmyna Bouchard
Elyse St-Amour
Émile Riopel
Fiona Annis
Florence Lachapelle