Caroline Ariane Bergeron – CUSTOM RESIDENCY

I’m a multidisciplinary artist from Montreal. Following the completion of my Bachelor of Fine Arts at Concordia University in 2013, I have taken a number of specialized courses, mainly in ceramics and printmaking. My work combines various traditional craft techniques and is tinged with a concern for diligent, well-executed handwork. I adopt slow working methods, preferring analog technologies to their contemporary equivalents, in reaction to the accelerated pace of work prescribed by the growth ideology of today’s life. Through sculpture, installation, print and the artist’s book, I address themes of language, intimacy and resilience.

Lately, I’ve been very interested in reinterpreting works and collaborating. In 2020, I reinterpreted a chapter from the book “Le Dictionnaire” by artist and author Rober Racine, “Les Phrases harmoniques” took on a new form in my artist book “Les Phrases harmoniques (bis)”. These will be transformed again, and will soon become “Les Phrases harmoniques (bis terque)”, thanks to poet and artist Oana Avasilichioaei, to whom I have entrusted the interpretation and translation of my work.

For further information

The artist would like to thank CALQ for its support.

© L’imprimerie, centre d’artistes, 2025