Launch of the mini-book « Trou noir » by Élie Corbin
L’imprimerie invites you to the launch of the mini-book Trou noir by artist Élie Corbin! You can enjoy the artist’s installation in the Vitrine of L’imprimerie from October 31 to November 15, 2024.
Thursday novembre 14, 2024, opening at 18h
The event is free, accessible to people in wheelchairs and children are welcome!
About the project
Trou noir is above all a processual approach, born from several years of experimentation in screen printing. This project resulted in a mini-artist’s book printed in 90 copies. It explores, among other things, the feeling of emptiness, the difficulty of coping with certain bereavements and that of fully accepting oneself.
« En somme, c’est une exploration de ce qui est enfoui en moi, pour lui donner du sens et être en mesure de le révéler. Mon processus d’introspection a donné naissance à des images, imprimées dans un travail libéré des intentions rationnelles, privilégiant une approche intuitive. L’objet du livre en lui-même est conçu pour être tourné et retourné, à l’infini si l’on veut. Chaque livre, unique, combine sérigraphies monotypiques et quelques verbes d’action, rappelant la nature dynamique de mon processus créatif.
L’imprimerie et sa communauté ont rendu ce processus de création possible. Sans les centres d’artistes autogérés, c’est toute une culture qui s’évanouirait # ! »
– Élie Corbin
Élie Corbin, visual artist
Élie Corbin was born in Quebec in 1978 and moved to France in 2001, where she developed a self-taught practice in visual arts. In 2013, she trained at the Émile Cohl School of Visual Arts in Lyon, and exhibited solo and in collectives in 2017 and 2018. The same year, she resettled in Quebec and continued her work, directing it towards experimental screen printing. Today a member of the board of directors of the artist-run center L’imprimerie, she is also pursuing a master’s degree in art therapy at UQAT, after completing a bachelor’s degree in Arts at UQAM.
Photo credit : Eugénie Gaultier Boucher