The Prix Albert-Dumouchel for emerging artists fosters the emergence of new practices in the printed arts by celebrating the boldness and quality of research by emerging artists.
Le Prix Albert-Dumouchel pour la relève favorise l’émergence des nouvelles pratiques en arts imprimés en célébrant l’audace et la qualité de la recherche des artistes de la relève.
The Prix Albert-Dumouchel for emerging artists fosters the emergence of new practices in the printed arts by celebrating the boldness and quality of research by emerging artists.
L’imprimerie, centre d’artistes is proud to announce the second ever winner of Montreal Emerging Photography Award, Janie Julien-Fort. A young Montreal artist, Janie immerses us in the materiality of the photographic medium as she questions its relationship with time. The quality of Janie’s artistic work compelled the jury with its wide-ranging experimentalism and its openess […]