L’Écrin – A look back on Nicole Panneton’s “Taire ce qui ne peut être dévoilé”
Presence through performance in L’imprimerie’s storefront
Presence through performance in L’imprimerie’s storefront
Perfect your knowledge in print media
DOUBLE LAUNCH – L’Écrin and “Un artiste…! Qu’est-ce que ça mange en hiver?”
Wednesday June 20 juin, starting at 5 pm
We are happy to announce the names of the artists and author who will compose this first edition of Le Chantier – research project on the printed and photographic image.
Wednesday, April 25, starting at 5 p.m. It’s a potluck. You are welcome to bring drinks or a dish to share.
Andréanne Michon, the first artist to have submitted a Customized residency project at L’imprimerie, will be working with us throughout 2018 during four two-week stays at the centre, kicking off a new exhibition project presented in spring 2019, at SF Camerawork, in San Francisco.
The celebrations continue with two open house events and workshops on November 11 & 25