Janie Julien-Fort – L’amorce
Exhibition at Occurrence, espace d’art et d’essai contemporains
Opening: Friday, October 12, starting at 5 p.m.
The exhibition will be on display until November 10, 2018.
Exhibition at Occurrence, espace d’art et d’essai contemporains
Opening: Friday, October 12, starting at 5 p.m.
The exhibition will be on display until November 10, 2018.
“My role in L’Écrin was to be free, and let the materials do the talking”
Launch of Travaux pratiques, Andrée-Anne Dupuis Bourret’s project in L’Écrin
Wednesday, August 22, starting at 5 p.m.
Come to L’imprimerie’s Open House during la Grande Fabrique 2018
Presence through performance in L’imprimerie’s storefront
Perfect your knowledge in print media
DOUBLE LAUNCH – L’Écrin and “Un artiste…! Qu’est-ce que ça mange en hiver?”
Wednesday June 20 juin, starting at 5 pm