New programming in L’Écrin

We are happy to reveal the artists who will take over in the showcase of L’Écrin. The coming months look very exciting!

Ileana Hernandez begins the season with an ongoing installation where she uses L’Écrin as a communication bridge between L’imprimerie and Sainte-Catherine Street East.
From April to June, 2019.

Thereafter, Maryse Arseneault will use a variety of devices, such as mini-projections of drawings and prints, papers animated by a fan, as well as various objects and materials in order to question the desire of to fly.
From July to September 2019.

Accompanied by her daughter Mila, Maggy Flynn will occupy the second time slot. Together they will do short performances around the idea of the game. They will invent games, protocols, procedures, ways to move and live in the space of L’Écrin.
From October to December 2019.

Marie-Claude Gendron will then develop a visual narrative composed of paper, objects, writings and ligthing devices based on various excerpts taken from L’été infini de Madame Nielsen.
From February to April 2020. *Extended

Finally François Rioux proposes to explore the structure of L’Ecrin. He will close and then open the showcase space to make a labyrinth.
From May to July 2020. *Postponed

From the bottom : Ileana Hernandez, Maggy Flynn, Marie-Claude Gendron, François Rioux, Caroline Boileau, Maryse Arsenault, Stéphane Gilot and Mila Flynn.

© L’imprimerie, centre d’artistes, 2025